Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Tanzania's population

I became interested in Tanzania's situation because there are a lot of problems that needed to be solved. There is the mortality which is the death of children who are under the age of five, and this is considered as the fourth goal of eight goals that the government want to achieve. The solution is around the corner by the year of 2015. Isaac Maro, a doctor at muhimbili national hospital in Dar Es Salam says " We are far behind and I have my suspicions about whether the government is really keen to keep the deadline". Tanzania, population living in urban areas increased from 5 per cent in 1967 to 13 per cent in 1978, and from 21 per cent in 1988 to 27 per cent in 2002, and to avoid the increase population in urban area and decrease in others we should provide better service to the poor regions. In Tanzania they expect to experience sharp increase in population, also Tanzania's population will grow from 40 million today to 85 million by mid-century . Moreover they will also be living longer lives. Today's life expectancy ranging to 52.5 years in Tanzania. "The HIV/AIDS infection rate will help make eastern Africa the one of the fastest growing regions in the world" this report from the United Nation. Although they tend to live longer lives and increase in population but that do not mean their future will be happier. In addition they say " the relative youthfulness of East Africa societies contrast markedly with the ageing population of almost the entire developed world as well as parts of the developing world. There are also increase in the population because of greater availability of anti Aids drugs in Eastern African countries where this virus going around.
In Tanzania they want to reduce the child mortality which is the death of children who are under the age of five and it expected to be achieved by the year of 2015. This is considered the fourth goal of eight goals that the government want to achieve. They state this fact " Nationally, under five mortality in Tanzania rose from an average of 137 per 1000 live births in the period from 1992 to 1996 to 147 per 1000 live births in the period 1995 to 1999 according to the world organization" . To help Tanzania government to manage the country, the University of Rhode Island's Coastal Resources Center (CRC) was recently awarded a four-year, $800,000 grant from the U.S. Agency for International Development and The Coca-Cola Company.

I my paper I plan to write about Tanzania because there are a lot of problems which basically related to each other and as known in some regions of Africa the poverty is common although they have interesting kinds of resources and because of that I thought it is important topic and there are many organizations that help particular government to deal with their problems especially the increase or decrease in the population and that lead us to other problems such as the poverty and the lack of education.
I have found many articles that talk about various of factors that related to either the poverty or the population. I also knew some kind of diseases that happen in Africa and what the potential causes of it. In addition I think these kind of problems should be solved by many organizations
Inter Press Service,(2007,june25) The evasive goal of stopping children from dying
From lexes nexis
It talks about the mortality deaths in Tanzania and its average and the lack of the health medicals

Arush times, (2007,February 24) Saturday, Population experts to converge in Arush, Africa news .
From lexis nexis
They talk about the HIV/AIDS and other problem and the poverty in East Africa

Kevin J, Kelly, Special correspondent,(2007, March 20), Drop in aids deaths will boost ea population-un
From lexis nexis
In this article they talk about the increase in East Africa within Tanzania and they also talk about the expectation in the future.

NARRAGANSETT, R.I, US States news,(2007.june 5)
From lexis nexis
This article talks about the helps that Tanzania's government receive and about their resources

Africa news, (2007, june12) Down the Road to Neo-Liberalism
From lexis nexis
This article written by scholar Tanzanian student and he talk about Tanzania in the past and how it was the symbol of Africa and especially about the translation in its situation from period to another.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

The goal of stopping children from dying

In the article "The goal of stopping children from dying" written by inter Press Service, it talks about the lack of health care facilites in Tanzania. They say there is mortality and it is because of the lack of knowledge of taking care of children. Also, they mention that lowering mortality is the fourth in eight milleniums which are the goals that the United Nation wants to achieve or develop.
In addition they say the experts and the observers of Tanzania say this goal will be achievedby the year of 2015. They say that under five deaths rose from an average of 137 per 1000 live births in 1992 to 1996 to 147 deaths per 1000 live births in 1995 to 1999.

Theybsay the Tanzania's official nation put the average under five mortality rate at 112 per 100 live births from 2000 to 2005 and they say the average infant mortality rate was 68 per 1000 live births in the same period. On the other hand they say the united nations children fund put the number of 165 per 1000 live births in the years of 2000 to 2003. Also, they say when people in a city called Rukwa want a medical service, they walk long distances, even for the children's service and delivery. And for theat the death rate for children under five was 175 per 1000 live births in 2005 and until 2006 it rate at 143 per 1000 live birhs. Also, they say the education in some ways is connected with reducing the mortality rates because education puts parents under pressure to get information about better nutrition and the knowledge about how to get care of their children.

On the other hand they talk about the poverty and say it gets worse in Africa. And they say the prevalence of HID/AIDS affects the child mortality directly by the transmission from mothers to their children and indirectly because there are negative results of maternall illness. The health care is very important now, especially since there are many strange diseases that have come to the world.

In the past people were dying because of regular diseases, for example, headache but now this is not even called a diseas because there are a lot of medical services. And in some regions in Africa they have a lack of medical service. It is one problem of many problems that the Tanzanian people deal with and it is a big problem especially for the government. And the poverty for sure affects them and it is considered one of the biggest problems in Africa.

First of all, the lack of health care is a very big problem, and it will affect the population in a negative way, because in Africa they happen to lose their children because there are no good health care facilities. And that will make people leave their countries. In addition, their government will be in a very embarrassed attitude that they will seek help from other countries.

Secondly, in some countries there is not that strong education, and due to that they suffer from the lack of medical hospital's success and mostly their abilites are weak they can not afford to cure all the people, and when some people get a big disease they surely will send them to other countries. If the country depends onother countries than then there will be emigration and the government will lose its control.

Third, when we look at a dying infant we will know there are many kinds of problems, not only the lack of the medical facilities. There is poverty, and due to that the inaft potentially will suffer a long time and they will get many diseases. Also, when the poverty stay a long time in a particular country, then the citizens will emigrate, because they want a better life for themselves and their children. When the emigration begins, the country may lose some of its citizens who have good ability to improve the country.

In conclusion, I think in many parts of Africa suffer from the poverty, at first, and then come all kinds of problems. If we notice some kinds of unknown disease begin there. These countries may have resources,but maybe their government can not do any thing for them, or they slowly improve their countries, but people there can not wait because all world moves quickly.

Africa news,Inter press service, 2007, JUNE 25
Tanzania; The evasove goal of stopping children from dying

The best environment for children to grow in

Always the society which we live in will affect the person's characteristics. So when we look at some countries we will find that the person's acting is usually approved in his or her society and the generation will be the same and so on. It is for sure that there are particular appropriate acts in particular places or regions and in the same time they are unusual in another society. The society is considered the first factor that affects the person characteristic, so it is important to find good places to our children to live in.

I think the best place for chilren to grow up is a city where there is a good society that does not have a big population, which has a lot of activities that take car of youth, and which have strong educationl system. At first , when we live in cities that have big populations that will cause pronlems and troubles because when it is like that there will be differences of tradition or even the daily life is not the same, so they will get into arguements with each other about particular matter in these cities. And when children go to the school they will exchange ideas or talk with each other and if there will be problems they mostly are big problems that make parents disappointed with their children.

The problems will come to their children quickly. All of a sudden your children are good or do not have problems, but when they are in cities that have a lot of activities they will tend to be more sociable and usually will have busy days which include entertinment in their lives. It looks like there are many benefits for example, they will be able to deal with people, will not be bored all the time and particular kinds of activites will change the person,s characteristics. If someone who has a regular life and does not have activity he has cares for, become an isolated person, he will find difficulty to deal with problems. When this person is used to living a boring life,then all of a sudden new events come to his life, he will get in trouble even if it is not big problem, but he will feel it is a different day. Children who don't have activites in their cities will likely feel hopless or they will not dare to do new things. People who live in such society will be excited to try new things,they will be more welcome to challenge and changes in their lives than the people who do not have activities.

They will find their way to success when they live such a life. I prefer when children live in cities that have strong educational systems; when people are educated and they take care of their children to get a good education;this is better than cities whose population doesn't seek education. In addition ;if the population lacks of education,then children will not usually get a good score in school. When the child goes to school and feels that his family or people around him don't pay attention to what he getshe will turn around to a bad way in school. Also the lack of education in particular family for example, will affect this family in their life and there will be problems like divorce,conflict and fighting every day. Then the child may find himself in big trouble, and the only solution to get rid of it is to do new dangerous experience.

Some people say the places which the children grow in do not usually affect the child's charectaristics or they say it just childhood; but then when the child get older he will create his personality. But i think the childhood is the most important period for the person to teach him. The person in childhood will be more able willing to learn things and to recognize the wrong and the right choices, if we notice most people tend to be what they were taught to be when they were in their childhood. For that parents take cate if their children under 18 years old more than after that. In additin, when someone used to watch his family steal or cheat and lie to others, they will think it is good or at least the others will forgive themif they do such things.

In conclusion, everybody wants to have good children, but we should find good places for them to go. The society comes after the family in the importance of its effect on children. It even sometimes has a bigger effect on children than parents. The world is changing quickly, so no wonder if the family lose control over their chilren and the child attends to be rebellious and does not look like is a part of his family and that may happen at an early age, when the community is big and there are different people around